How many times have you had to tweak a lure straight out of the packet? Yeh me too! That's basically how this whole making lures thing came about! I was sick of having to retrofit all this overseas stuff and try and make it work. I had many fixes and tweaks that I relayed to various lure companies and their response was "meh". So I decided I'd put my tweaks and fixes into new lure designs made for what we do here!

Mintoss Co. is focusing on making unique effective soft baits that are home grown for us in Australia. Sometime we literally just talk about the most bizarre concepts, draw them up, make them, test them just to see if there is any practicality to the idea. Mostly these ideas get shelved or destroyed or Frankenstiened into another lure.

I personally make sure to test the hell out of any product we make! There is zero reason to make something if it cannot beat what is already out there. If these lures survive on my boat they will survive anywhere. We are focused on make lures that are fit for purpose, easy to use and something you can have confidence using.